room to grow
our core message to the community
Christ Church has served the community of Creekmoor for over 30 years but wants to be able to offer more!
We wanted a larger church building that would be used to provide for the needs of the local community in Creekmoor and help build community.
We asked the residents of Creekmoor what they thought were some of the needs of the area. This was their response:
Loneliness and isolation across all age group
Age related conditions and lack of mobility
Poor mental well-being (depression and dementia)
Lack of family support, split families and problems with teenagers
The aim of the community hub was to make Creekmoor an even better place to live and work by providing space for many additional activities and groups to help meet those needs. Those include: A community room, parenting classes, dementia cafe, daily community cafe, after school clubs, and activities for the elderly, children and youth.
Christ Church did serve the community by providing parent and toddler groups, a community cafe once a month, a drop in for the more mature amongst us, children and youth groups and activities.
Church Church also provided a space for external service providers to use the building for their provisions. Health visitors run a baby clinic so babies can be weighed and parents/carers find much needed support and information. The local girl guides also used the building for their groups and activities.
Over 50% of the 500 weekly visits were from community activities and it grew to the stage where a bigger building was needed, as they were bursting at the seams.
The plan was to extend the Church building to include:
A Chapel for quiet and contemplation
A first floor meeting room with lift-access for Church and Community Groups.
A large separate area, suitable for cafe and extendable worship space.
A larger fully equipped kitchen, suitable for cafe and catering purposes.
With all these additional activities, our visits could double from 500 people per week to 1000 people per week!
The extended Church and Community Hub ‘The Hub’ are now fully open and we are so pleased we can invite our Community in. If you have any ideas for activities in ‘The Hub’ or if you would like to help out please get in touch.’
Please continue to pray for us, and that we can find the rest of the money to pay for this amazing project, especially in these hard times.
‘Do have a look at the video diary of the build below to catch the excitement of the last few years.’ (a huge thank you to Anthony Bossom for creating it)
exciting news!
We are so excited that our lovely new building is now fully open.
Why not come and see us and visit 'The Hub Cafe' or one of the other Church or Community activities.
Thank you so much to everyone who has contributed to this project in any way. It has been a massive journey where we have had to rely on God every step of the way.
The journey continues. The loan to finish paying for the building will be with us for a number of years.
God has brought us this far. We celebrate this new building and look forward to walking alongside Him as God uses us and our new building for the extension of His Kingdom.
May God bless you all.