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Christ church creekmoor

raising up a new generation

 sunday services

Breakfast@9 (all age worship every week)

Encounter@ 10.30am in church and online

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We will be launching  the event with a Thy Kingdom Come themed communion service on Thursday May 9th at 9am followed by non stop prayer in the chapel until 9pm.

The chapel will be set up as a prayer room with prompts to guide our prayers as well as resources if you would like to respond creatively. When we have held similar events in previous years many people have felt very blessed during their time of prayer so do sign up for a slot as soon as possible. The sign up sheet is available in the church office and will be on the back table on Sunday. If you are unable to join us on that day, the prayer room will also be open whenever the church is open until Pentecost.

There are also many resources available to support your daily prayers during this time. Prayer journals will be available to collect from church on Sunday or, if you prefer digital content, you can download the Thy Kingdom Come app. Further resources including stories and activities for children can be found at

 If you are a young person or young at heart you might like to join a live online event led by Justin Welby and Rachel Gardner among others on Pentecost Sunday (17.15- 17.35) which will culminate in young people across the UK praying the Lord's prayer together. The link to join in will be available on


Join us at 9am for breakfast and a fun all-age service that's finishes at 10am and is perfect for busy families.

Simply pop along and enjoy breakfast whilst sat around long tables with your family.


There's an under 5's play area and Lego table for those builders in your family!


With an interactive bible story, craft activity, colouring and wordsearches, and kids action song at the end, it's great for all ages.


Just pop along and try us out! Everyone is welcome and we would love to meet you! 



Join us on our Christ Church Creekmoor Facebook Page,

or on our YouTube Christ Church Creekmoor Channel

at 10.30am our live streamed service each week.

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Come and join us for our Encounter service at 10.30am.

We love worshipping God together and this is a 'modern' style type of service with worship songs, rather than hymns. 

You can get an idea of what our services are like by visiting us on YouTube at Christ Church Creekmoor, as all our services are also streamed online. 

We look forward to seeing you!

We have hospitality afterwards, so why not stay for a cuppa and a chat?



We meet for prayer on Tuesday mornings in the chapel from      9 - 9.30am.

A beautiful start to the day with bible readings, discussion followed by prayer. 

Thursday  mornings in the the main worship space from           9 - 9.30am.

Join us as we celebrate this special meal, (or receive a blessing) and remember all that Jesus did for us. 



If you are worried or concerned about abuse there is always someone to talk to..

Dan our Curate (Trainee Minister) ...  phone or text him on 07849862441
Sharon our Safeguarding Officer.... phone her on 07941 816 319 
Margaret our Church Warden .... can be contacted on 01202 267427
Suzy the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser ... phone her on 07500 664800
Jem (Jeremy) the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser ... phone him on 07469 857888

The hub cafe

Mondays - Fridays from 9.30 am - 4pm
and Saturdays from 8am - 1pm
(last orders at 12 noon) 

Come and try out our Community Hub Cafe, with lots of delicious food and full range of drinks.

On Thursdays, we have an amazing meal deal with a hot meal, desert and drink, or soup and dessert and drink. Check out our Facebook group at 'The Hub Cafe' for weekly meal deals.

We are now opening on Saturday morning for breakfast and brunch, so why not treat yourself!

And not forgetting our amazing play area for the kids! There's fun for everyone! Why not catch up with a friend or family member. 

Or if you're working or shopping and fancy a good cup of coffee and cake. then try out our 'Takeaway' option. 

Everyone is welcome!

Visit us on Facebook to see our meal deal option on Thursdays and to stay up to date!

We are currently looking for volunteers for our cafe, if you would like to be part of our fab cafe team, please get in touch by either popping in, phoning the church office on 01202 267427, our emailing our cafe manager at We look forward to hearing from you!


Do you know anyone who would like to hire some space in the church? 

Do you know anyone who would like to hire some space in the church? It can be a regular booking or one off. We currently have rooms available for hire. If you, or anyone you know is interested, please contact the church to book a viewing by phoning us on 01202 267427 or email us at and leave your contact details. We look forward to hearing form you!



'The Hub Café’ receives funding from the Co-op Community Fund!!

We would like to say a HUGE thank you to our local Co-op Stores - Creekmoor Lane, Oakdale and Upton and to those lovely people who shop there, and have chosen us as their local cause.

We were very excited and so grateful to received our first instalment of £480.90 towards the running costs of ‘The Hub Café’.

In November 2022 we  also received an incredible £2,524.28 which will also help towards the running of ‘The Hub Café’  and also help us to improve our support for the Community of Creekmoor and beyond. 

Thank you everyone!! You're awesome!

presenting our new and improved church!

creating a larger worship space and new Community Hub

We are so proud of our extended church building and God has clearly been with us every step of the way.

However, work is still very much in progress due to the knock backs from covid and the constant raising of costs, to complete our project financially. 

If you could help us by donating, we would be so grateful!

There is a donation button below. 

If you are not able to donate, then please could you pray for us, as this is equally important. 

Thank you and Bless you!

3. Christ Church - newly extended - Copy
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